Mount Kilimanjaro adventure| With every great adventure, great people make the most of it. I recently asked myself what it takes to make one’s experience memorable. I had to talk to the right people in the field to answer that question.
I have known Selemani @selemanirajabu for a long time and he has been a mountain guide for more than five years specifically on Mount Kilimanjaro.

So I asked him the same question I had been asking myself. “What does it take to make one’s experience memorable in your field of work?”. Before answering he corrected my question and said “You should have asked me. What brings you joy when doing your job”?
At first, I was surprised and thought he did not understand what I asked. But I gave him the benefit of doubt and agreed to what he suggested and let him proceed.
Then he said “Meeting my clients for the first time after greetings and everything I politely ask them this specific question. Why do you want to climb Mount Kilimanjaro? Then I listen to their stories and keep them in mind. I will use the first and second day of climbing to assess their speed and energy”

He then proceeded “With this information in hand I will use my experience and knowledge, firstly to make sure they meet their goals, and secondly, which approach to take on assisting them to reach their goals and in a case along the way they want to give up I will remind them about what they told me on their first day, why they wanted to climb Kilimanjaro”
“Nothing makes me happy than seeing my clients fulfill their goals”
After listening to his story, I only said “Wow!”
About Mount Kilimanjaro
The highest peak in Africa and the highest free-standing mountain in the world. Mount Kilimanjaro can be climbed all year round, however, there are a couple of rainy seasons April-May and November-mid-December these are best avoided. The best time of the year recommended to trek is January-March and July-October.
These are favorite’s months for two main reasons. Firstly, the weather is generally good, and the sky is often clear during these months. Because they both fall just before the rainy seasons, they tend to be quieter than in other months.
Note that early in June and late December, though they fall outside of the rainy seasons, are not such good times to be on Kilimanjaro as the clouds tend to linger after the rainy season, even if the rains have stopped, the view is restricted. Secondly, Full Moon and New Moon treks, the final push from Kibo to the summit a walk that is traditionally done at night is best done under the light of a full moon. Visibility is that much more significant, of course, due to the brightness of the light reflected by the full moon
You can start to process your Kilimanjaro Adventure NOW!

Excellent post!
Thanks Ben!
We appreciate your time